Vipin Kumar, Materials Division, National
Physical Laboratory, New Delhi – 110012
Email vipink@mail.nplindia.ernet.in
Radha Gupta, J-178, HIG Colony, Indore- 452011
Email ravikant60@hotmail.com
Laws of Physics have been formulated for physical bodies of
this world. The question arises whether these laws can be applicable to non – physical bodies also, about which the
vedic mythology seems to be dealing with. The present paper takes as an example the second law of thermodynamics according
to which the entropy or the degree of disorder of any system in this world is constantly increasing. In other words, the world
is going towards a state where it will be impossible to take any useful work from its available energy. As an example, the
steam of a steam engine can be put to useful work until the steam is bound in its cylinder. As soon as the steam goes out
and spreads, no useful work can be taken from it. The steam engine can be compared to the system of consciousness. The driver
of this engine is vedic seer or rishi who knows where, when and how the engine of consciousness has to be put in the state
of low or high entropy and the steam has been given the name rasa. Various functions of the engine have been embodied in the
form of 7 meters or Chhandas. The efficiency of the engine is measured by Trishtup
Chhandah. The lowest efficiency of this engine is when every event of this world happens as a play of dice. But Einstein thinks
that God does not play the dice. So, there is plenty of description in vedic mythology what the higher efficiencies ( Dakshina)
can be. The starting impulse to the engine is given by Gayatri Chhandah. Laws of Physics say that it is impossible to achieve
100% efficiency and there must be certain loss of energy in the engine. This loss has been taken into account through Jagati
chhandah. There is plenty of description in vedic mythology about the management of this waste energy, which has been considered
very difficult there also. Other laws of Physics have also been taken up in the paper.